Ground Rules

Every project has its own nuances: different client groups, different users, different teams. Each of those groups of people will have their own culture and norms that they’re bringing into the project. To make sure that each project group has inclusive team norms that allow all voices to be heard, Ground Rules can be implemented and agree upon by the project group to help guide behavior during sessions.

Design Phase: Include
Facilitator: 1
Activity Group: 4-8
Time: 30 Min
Materials: Sticky notes and markers, Whiteboard Virtual Whiteboard

Icon representing Ground Rules method within Design Thinking

Before the Activity

Work with stakeholders or project leads to see which method of creating Ground Rules will work best for the project. You can either bring in a list of pre-made of Ground Rules (the TTS Design Practice’s standard set is below), or you can work with the project group to craft their own custom Ground Rules.

TTS Design Practice Ground Rules:

  • Step outside your comfort zone
  • Lead with curiosity
  • Fully engage
  • Have fun
  • Show mutual respect
  • Stay on topic
  • Defer judgement
  • Make room for candor

If you’re able to go with a set of pre-made Ground Rules, incorporate these rules into your workshop materials. You’re all set! If you’re going to work with the group to build out custom ground rules, then run the activity.

During the Activity

Provide the group with sticky notes and markers. Begin the activity with the prompt, “What values and norms do you feel should drive the interactions of this project team?” Provide the group with 10 minutes to write down their ideas and place them on the board, one per sticky note.

Once everyone has their ideas posted, work as a group to find themes from the values and norms listed. Cluster the sticky notes like with like and label the emerging groups. With all stickies grouped and labeled, discuss the themes as a group. Are they representative of what the team needs? Is there anything missing? After your discussion, do any tweaking necessary to the themes and record them. These themes are now the Ground Rules for the project team.

After the Activity

Find a common location to store the Ground Rules for the project where the whole team can easily find them. Incorporate the Ground Rules into the introductory materials for project meetings to help ingrain them into the project team’s interactions.